
The Growing Requirement for Drone Insurance in State Parks, Counties, and Universities

The Growing Requirement for Drone Insurance in State Parks, Counties, and Universities

The Growing Requirement for Drone Insurance in State Parks, Counties, and Universities As drone popularity soars among hobbyists and professionals alike, the need for clear regulatory guidelines has become increasingly important. Across the United States, various state parks, counties, and universities have introduced specific rules for using drones on their properties. In many cases, these…

Avoid Airspace Surprises: 5 Safety Perks of AutoPylot’s Scheduled TFR Update

Avoid Airspace Surprises: 5 Safety Perks of AutoPylot’s Scheduled TFR Update

At AutoPylot, we’re dedicated to providing drone pilots with the tools they need to fly safely and efficiently. Our latest enhancement expands the Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) feature, notifying you if your flight overlaps with a scheduled TFR. This proactive approach to flight planning offers significant safety benefits. Here are five reasons why knowing about upcoming TFRs…

Understanding DJI GEO Zones vs. FAA LAANC Airspace Approvals

Understanding DJI GEO Zones vs. FAA LAANC Airspace Approvals

In the rapidly evolving world of drone technology, understanding airspace regulations is crucial for hobbyists and professional drone pilots. Two terms often encountered are DJI GEO Zones and FAA LAANC airspace approvals. While both aim to ensure safe drone operations, they operate quite differently. Here’s a breakdown of their differences and what drone pilots need…